How To Download Movies From Imdb

  1. How To Download Movies From Imdb Website
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Feb 28, 2018 - The basic idea is to send request to external API with a movie title that is entered by the user. The program then tries to download the data. This class is meant to download the poster and all images of a movie from It can fetch all images at once and store them in local cache files. Want to download videos from but can't find a workable solution?If you are a movie fun, you shouldn't miss IMDB since it offers millions of movies, movie trailers, TV Episodes and celebrities. However, like most other video websites, doesn't come with a downloading service to save the videos on your computer or other devices.

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The internet movie database,, is a website devoted to collecting movie data supplied by studios and fan. It claims to be the biggest movie database on the web and is run by amazon. More about information can be found online, including information about the data collection process.

IMDB makes their raw data available. Unfortunately, the data is divided into many text files and the format of each file differs slightly. To create one data file containing all the desired information these ruby scripts extract the relevant information and store in a database. Finally, this data is exported to csv to make it easier to import into data analysis packages.

The following text files were downloaded and used:

  • business.list. Total budget
  • genres.list. Genres that a movie belongs to (eg. comedy and action)
  • movies.list. Master list of all movie titles with year of production.
  • mpaa-ratings-reasons.list. MPAA ratings.
  • ratings.list. IMDB fan ratings.
  • running-times.list. Movie length in minutes.

Movies were selected for inclusion if they had a known length and had been rated by at least one IMDB user. The final output contains the following fields:

How To Download Movies From Imdb Website

  • title. Title of the movie.
  • year. Year of release.
  • budget. Total budget (if known) in US dollars
  • length. Length in minutes.
  • rating. Average IMDB user rating.
  • votes. Number of IMDB users who rated this movie.
  • r1-10. Distribution of votes for each rating, to mid point of nearest decile: 0 = no votes, 4.5 = 1-9$%$ votes, 14.5 = 11-19$%$ of votes, etc. Due to rounding errors these may not sum to 100.
  • mpaa. MPAA rating.
  • action, animation, comedy, drama, documentary, romance, short. Binary variables representing if movie was classified as belonging to that genre.